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Methodology: Queueing Theory, Game Theory, Optimization, Data Analysis Techniques
Application: Smart City Operations, Innovative Service Operations, Smart Healthcare
Research: Text

"A Queueing Model and Analysis for Autonomous Vehicles on Highways"
Authors: Neda Mirzaeian, Soo-Haeng Cho, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
Stage: Published at Management Science
Winner of 2019 IBM Best Student Paper Award
"Can Autonomous Vehicles Solve the Commuter Parking Problem?"
Authors: Neda Mirzaeian, Soo-Haeng Cho, Sean Qian
Stage: Revise and Resubmit
Finalist, 2021 IBM Best Student Paper Award
"Curbside Ride-hailing
Pick-up and Drop-off Congestion"
Authors: Neda Mirzaeian, Soo-Haeng Cho, Sean Qian
Stage: Working paper
Research: Interests
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